The SEFI Handbook on Teaching Transferable Competencies and Skills is gaining momentum! Since its launch…
President, Vice President, and 7 Board members
The SEFI elections will take place online, prior to our General Assembly in Tampere scheduled for 16 September 2024. The mandate for the newly elected officers starts on 1 October 2025.
We invite our members to present their candidatures for :
- President (2-year mandate, 01/10/2025-30/09/2027)
- Vice President (2-year mandate, 01/10/2025-30/09/2027)
- 7 Board members (3-year mandate, 01/10/2025-30/09/2028)
Members of SEFI, who have paid their annual membership fee and are interested in these positions, are invited to send their CV, a motivation letter and the filled-in endorsement form to SEFI President at and SEFI Secretary General at before 1 May 2025.
The applications will be reviewed by the Board of Directors at their meeting in June. Approved candidatures will be sent to all the SEFI members with the invitation to the General Assembly.
By submitting their candidatures, members confirm that they are aware of their rights and duties as well as the activities of the Society. For this purpose, interested candidates are invited to contact the SEFI office ( They are encouraged to read the SEFI Statutes (Art. 11-14) and Bylaws (Section III). Download here
All candidates must be members of SEFI. They will demonstrate their willingness to be actively committed to our Society, and should consider the resources (time and funding) to fulfill their obligation.
The mandates of SEFI officers start on 1 October and end on 30 September. The positions in the board and presidency are not remunerated.
Every year, the General Assembly elects a Vice President out of the candidates approved by the Board of Directors. The mandate of the Vice President is for two years and (s)he may run once again for an immediate second mandate. SEFI has 2 Vice Presidents at any given time. The Vice Presidents assist the President in his/her tasks.
Individual and associate members cannot be candidates for the Vice-Presidency.
SEFI Board of Directors (“Conseil d’administration”) is the body responsible for the general policy of the Society. It is composed of the President, the two-Vice Presidents and a maximum of 21 elected members (with a minimum of 6).
Two thirds of the board members must be the official representatives of institutional members.
The Board of Directors shall be convened at least twice annually. The Board members are invited to participate in ad hoc committees that manage various aspects of the SEFI work, and they may notably be asked to represent SEFI at international events. Candidatures for the Board of Directors must be endorsed by at least three other members of the Society.
Candidates representing institutional members must be endorsed by at least two SEFI institutional members amongst the three endorsements. One SEFI member cannot endorse more than two candidates. The endorsement is not required if the candidate for the Board has already served as a Board member prior to the candidature and has not changed their membership category after their latest mandate. They will justify their candidature with a description of their concrete achievements for the Society.