BEST events on education (EoE) have been organized around Europe since 1998. They enable a group of engineering students to meet and discuss the “on the agenda” topics with experts, local academics, and professionals. The great diversity among the origins of the students allows for rich debates and the results of which provide input for other European conferences or projects.
The conclusions of these debates are collected into a final report which serves as a basis for SEFI, WEEF or IACEE papers.
An EoE brings together about 25 students and also includes cultural and festive activities.
This summer, BEST organized 3 EoEs, the last of which was held from 22 August to 1 September in Porto. Anne-Marie Jolly, responsible for SEFI’s relations with BEST, participated in two sessions which gave rise to numerous debates :
– The ideal professor to prepare the students to the next generation’s challenges. This theme was in line with the debates of the GEDC forum in June, the debate focused on encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship in different countries; sharing good practices
– Problems that may appear when assessing formal and informal learning. This was a twofold challenge to recall that this validation has existed within the framework of the VAE (in France) for many years but also that new provisions have just been taken in this context (law equality citizenship) and speaks about the Extra Plus project. The debate on the vision of volunteering by certain nationalities is also very interesting and fruitful.