(a SEFI Regional activity)
You are cordially invited to participate in the International Seminar on Mechatronics ‘4.0’ in Engineering Education on June 20-21, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen.
Internet of Things, Digitalisation, Industry 4.0, Cyber Physical Systems and Mechatronics all refer to a megatrend that change the ways companies develop products, operate systems and offer services. These terms resonate within a broad spectrum – from the political organisations, branch organisations and the industry to start-up incubators, universities, research institutions and community colleges.
This international seminar aims to discuss how can we educate engineers with interdisciplinary skillsets; who are ready to tackle the difficult tasks of conceptualising, designing, implementing and operating Mechatronics-4.0 solutions. In particular, the seminar aims to bring together industrialists, educators, enablers, decision makers and a broad range of participants from academia and industry to discuss:
• Opportunities within the emerging fields of Internet of Things, Digitalisation, Cyber Physical Systems and Mechatronics
• Trends in the industry and their needs from newly educated engineers
• Challenges of the universities to implement these topics in the educational programs
• Current best practices for teaching Mechatronics 4.0 from leading universities and organisations
The seminar includes three sessions:
• Show session: How the industry/companies work within these fields? What are their best practices, and what they want from new engineers?
• Tell session: Academicians from around the world present their educational initiatives from around the world? How the decision makers at the universities address these needs and how educators share their experiences with each other?
• Reflections: What do we learn from these discussions? What should the stakeholders do to address the needs of the students, universities, the industry and the political bodies?
Sponsors: Quanser, National Instruments
For further information on the seminar and for registration (free), please visit mechatronicsSeminar.org