Exploring Facilities Management – towards Future Campuses Authors : E. Rytkonen, S. Karna, S. Nenonen
The Birmingham Grand Challenge Project: Enhancing Student Employability Skills across the STEM Disciplines Authors : J. S. Illingsworth, K. I. M. Hawwash
Universities and Industry – Experience from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic Authors : L. Musflek
Design of a new Course Aimed at Increasing the Number of new Innovative Enterprises Authors : A.M. Jolly, C. Grillet, C. Léger, F. Ros
Semantic Web Approach for Determining Industry Qualifications. Demand on Real-time Bases Authors : C. Reise, G. Seliger, S. AbdElall
Implementation of a testing ground in Group T University College Authors : G Stevens, J Van Aken, K. Denis, L Vandeurzen, M. Smeulders, P. Goethals
Engineering Talent Development Portfolio An Innovative Framework to Design Lifelong Engineering Learning Authors : D.F. Radcliffe
Common learning resources for academia & industry The case of digital provision in engineering Authors : R. Crepon
i-MOCCA: Cross border cooperation in training for Engineers in Industrial Automation Authors : H. Benhammou, J.-M. Vannobel, M.-H. Bekaert