Innovative on Demand International Engineering Programs Authors : Amaral L. A., Barros V. F. A., Brito C. da R., M. M. Ciampi, R. M. Vasconcelos
Global Competence: Technology Innovation and Sustainability – The experience of a Trans-Atlantic concurrent Master’s degree project Authors : Barnes J.L., Dyrenfurth M.J.
Innovative on Demand International Engineering Programs Authors : Amaral L. A., Barros V. F. A., Brito C. da R., M. M. Ciampi, R. M. Vasconcelos
Mid Project Milestone for the QUEECA TEMPUS Project: First Results and Rising Expectations Authors : Betti M., Borri C., Guberti E.
Entrepreneurship and Lean Manufacturing for Software Engineering Authors : Arturo Morgado Estévez, Carlos Rioja del Río, Dominguez Jimenez J.J.
Global Engineering Skills – Practice and Perspective of Joint Educational Programmes in Engineering between a German and Malaysian universities Authors : Hunger A., Marzuki M., Werner S.
“Like Going to Mars”, a Summer Research Exchange Experience at Tokyo Institute of Technology Authors : Cross J.S., Kishimoto K., Sekiguchi H., Susa M.
The SUTD-MIT Global Leadership Programme: Attempting institutional transplantation through cross-cultural student leadership development Authors : Bagiati A., Brisson J., Fisher D.R.
International Student Teams Solving Real Problems for Industry in Senior Capstone Projects Authors : Sanger P. A.