We are delighted to announce the new developments in the partnership between SEFI and the International Association for Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE). SEFI stood at the beginning of IACEE 25 years ago as one of its founding members. In the past weeks, we have decided to revisit our long-standing cooperation with representatives from both organizations and discuss shared goals and opportunities for even further cooperation.
During our meeting, it was agreed to endorse mutual memberships, solidifying the bond between SEFI and IACEE – marking a significant step forward in our shared commitment to advancing engineering education globally. We decided to build upon our existing joint efforts in lifelong learning, and expand the cooperation to new key topics such as sustainability.
Chris Smith, co-chair of SEFI’s Special Interest Group on Continuing Engineering Education & Lifelong Learning (CEE&LLL), has taken over from Bente Norgard as the SEFI representative in IACEE. A representative of IACEE will be invited to join the steering committee of the SEFI SIG CEE&LLL.
One of the first tangible outcomes was the participation of Chris Smith in “Current Trends in the Continuing Engineering Education in Europe and What the Future Holds” panel session at IACEE Annual Conference in Comillas. Furthermore, our organisations are joining forces for the upcoming SEFI@work session on Microcredentials.
Together, SEFI and IACEE are determined to make meaningful contributions to the field of engineering education, especially in the pressing area of lifelong learning.