17 February 2025, 15:30-16:30 CET
In this workshop, we will explore uncertainty on a conceptual level and reflect on your personal experiences with uncertainty. Then, we will collaboratively develop scaffolding strategies to support students in learning to deal with uncertainty.
September was an active month for the SEFI SIG Ethics Community. At the annual conference organised by TU Berlin between 13-16 September, there were several dedicated paper sessions:
Una Beagon, Klara Kövesi, Brad Tabas, Bente Nørgaard, Riitta Lehtinen, Brian Bowe, Christiane Gillet, Claus Spliid: Sustainable Development and the SDGs: Revealing Engineering Academics, Students and Employer Viewpoints
Lavinia Marin, Janna van Grunsven, Taylor William Stone: Performing ethics of technology. On using improvisational performance-based techniques in engineering ethics education
Ulla-Talvikki Virta, Hannu-Matti Järvinen: Working-life ethical issues faced by engineers
Victor G Galofre, Jordi Segalas: Assessing SDGs’ learning objectives in Engineering Education. Case study Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development at UPC Barcelona Tech.
Tom Børsen: Using Technology Assessment in Technical Study Program as a means to foster ethical reflections on the societal effects of technologies and engineering solutions
Sarah Junaid, Helena Kovacs, Diana Adela Martin, Yann Serreau: What is the role of ethics in accreditation guidelines for engineering programmes in Europe?
Alison Joy Gwynne-Evans: Benefit for Whom? Teaching and learning ethics within engineering in a diverse context
Diana Adela Martin, Gunter Bombaerts, Aditya Johri: Ethics is a disempowered subject in the engineering curriculum
Sarah Jayne Hitt, Thomas Taro Lennerfors: Using film in engineering ethics education
Thomas Taro Lennerfors: EVIL – a heuristic in engineering ethics education
Stéphane Flament, Klara Kövesi: How interdisciplinary sustainability courses influence engineering students’ sustainability awareness?