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Forum for the Development of Engineering Education

May 9th, 2019. 09h30/18h00. Main Auditorium ISEC

Registration: Inscrição no FDEE 2019

The Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (SPEE) is sponsoring this event that is being organized by the Pedagogical Council of the Institute of Engineering of Coimbra (ISEC).

This event will take place at the Main Auditorium of ISEC, in Coimbra, Portugal, from 9:30 to 18:00, on May 9th.

SPEE, in conjunction with the organizing committee, aims this event to trigger the discussion of engineering education related issues and, simultaneously, promote the creation and/or reactivation of working groups within the Society.

The morning session includes a number of invited keynotes from members of existing working groups of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). The afternoon session includes a number of round tables, organized by themes that either match former SPEE working groups or aim the creation of new ones.




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